Month: July 2023


Devon Masters Swimmers  

  This is a reminder that you can now enter our Devon County Masters Open Meet ( incorporating our County Championships ) so please get those entries rolling in.

The event is being held at Plymouth on 10th September, warm up is at 12.30 with racing starting at 1.00pm.   

 The programme includes:

50m 100m 200m of all strokes.

100m 200m 400m IM 

 400m freestyle


In addition, if you have anyone in your club who would be prepared to come down and officiate on the day that would be wonderful, so please spread the word with all your club officials. 

As this will not be a licensed meet we can also accommodate any young volunteers who would like some officiating practice…… please invite them to come along.  

I recently attended another masters meet which had hot heats interspersed throughout the programme. 

If possible I would like to do the same in our meet.

 If you have any companies in your area that you think would be prepared to sponsor a hot heat ‘goodie bag’ please would you send me their contact details and I will get in touch with them. 

Sue Haigh