Category: General

Devon QT Apple V Android views

The QT for Devon Championships when viewed on an Apple device – rather than downloading and opening- are incorrect for example the17+ 100m Freestyle Female displays 01:05.0 as the QT when viewed on an Android device or if the file is opened it is displayed correctly as 01:05.8

The way the files are viewed by different operating systems are outside of our control.

Devon County ASA Talent Camp

Devon County ASA are currently looking for Skills Coaches & Team managers for the County Talent Camp.

This is an opportunity to work under the experienced County Lead Coach to improve your knowledge and skills associated with working with younger swimmers.  It will also be a great addition to your CV.

There is additional information,  in the attached document, together with the Expression of Interest form.

Closing date for all forms is Wednesday 30th October to Glenn at



Honiton Swimming club – Coach Application

Head Swimming Coach

Honiton Swimming Club in Devon is looking for a new Head Coach.

We are looking for a Head Coach who is enthusiastic, self-motivated, organised, an excellent communicator and passionate about the development of their swimmers. The ideal candidate should be a Level 2 coach as a minimum and be committed to working towards their Swim England Senior Swimming Coach certificate (formerly Swim England Level 3 coaching qualification). It is essential that the successful candidate will be able to motivate and inspire competitive swimmers of all ages.

This is a part time role and includes eight hours coaching a week, plus admin time as well as attendance at galas and open meets.

Coaching takes place at the Honiton pool four evenings and one early morning a week.

Honiton Swimming Club is a small friendly club with 40 members. A number of swimmers have attended Devon County Championships and qualified for Regionals. We are looking for a new coach to help build on this success.

Honiton Swim Club is a Swim Mark accredited Club.

For more information contact the Cahir mailto:

Head coach position – Paignton swimming club

  Paignton swimming club

Is looking for a new head coach with a Level 3 Award or Senior Swimming Coach Certificate or

Coaching Swimming: Level 2 Award or Swimming Coach Certificate with a commitment to

working towards Level 3


Working Hours: Part time – 12.5 hours per week (over 4 evenings) plus weekend galas/meets

in line with the competition calendar

Location: Paignton, Devon

Salary: £34,320-£36,400 Full time equivalent;

Dependent on qualification and experience, plus meet

allowance and expenses

Closing Date: 16th December 2023

For full job description click below

Head Swimming Coach job advert

FINA Rules update 2023 to 2025

World Aquatics Rules UPDATE 2023 – 2025.

The new rules come into force in England on March 10th 2023.

All are urged to sign up to the first session you can attend so all our Southwest Officials are up to date with the new rules as quickly as possible by/after the implementation date.

Go to Swim-Meet 

and choose FINA RULES update 2023-25 and select your preferred date.

Once signed up you will be sent the appropriate ZOOM sign in link.  Please try and attend a session as soon as you can.

PLEASE NOTE even if you have renewed your licence in 2022 or the first weeks of 2023 you should still attend the compulsory FINA RULES 2023-25 update as soon as possible.   All licensed officials have a duty to be up to date. All trainee officials should be aware of the current swimming rules.  Your attendance at the official CPD delivered by ZOOM will be registered with Swim England and your County Coordinators will have registers of all those who have attended to refer to when Licence Applications are completed.

As soon as is practical, all licensed officials and all J1 trainees progressing through their practical phase will receive an up to date set of World Aquatics rules. Remember this booklet does not highlight the changes.   Attendance at the Update CPD is where the changes and standard rules interpretation “aide memoire” are explained.