Author: Martin Walters

**Change to Devon County Dates – 20-12-2024 **

Following communication from the Life Centre this week , urgent maintenance is required to the main pool and diving pit. Due to this we are having to move the dates for the Devon Championships in 2025.

Saturday 11th January 100IM and Interclub and Relays this remains unchanged but all events will now be swam Short Course including the relays.

I have attached the new dates showing which events will be swam when but in summary:

All events from Sunday 12th January will now be swam on Sunday 26th January

All events from Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th January will now be swam on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd February

All events from Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th January will now be swam on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th February.

If the maintenance takes longer than expected and the Life Centre are unable to accommodate Long Course swimming, then the County Championships will be swam Short Course for 2025 only. We will endeavor to inform all clubs as soon as possible if this is the case.

We are aware that the change in dates may not be suitable for some of the swimmers currently entered and as such we will allow changes to entries by the clubs with revised entries back to me by Monday 6th January 2025. The window for entry times remains 01/03/24 to 18/12/24.

There will be no refunds if we are forced to change to Short Course and swimmers no longer wish to swim after Monday 6th January 2025.

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Devon QT Apple V Android views

The QT for Devon Championships when viewed on an Apple device – rather than downloading and opening- are incorrect for example the17+ 100m Freestyle Female displays 01:05.0 as the QT when viewed on an Android device or if the file is opened it is displayed correctly as 01:05.8

The way the files are viewed by different operating systems are outside of our control.

Devon County QT 2025 V3 update – 30/10/24

Following further communication from Swim England after the change to 16+ QT they have changed their minds and will now allow us to have a 17+ age Group.

The QT have been reverted to show the 17+ Age Group and these will be used for QT for 2025.

The Updated QT V3 can be found here

Closing date for entries will be Wednesday 18th December 2024 and the meet pack will be published and sent to all club contacts once the License has been granted.

National Inter County Team Championships 2024

The Devon County Swim Team made the long journey up to Ponds Forge, in Sheffield to compete at the National County Team Champions.  The selected team of 26 swimmers came from 7 clubs across the county.

On arriving at the pool, the atmosphere was electric – with lots of cheering, horns, etc – the noise became louder and louder with great cheering and support from all our swimmers for their teammates.  The racing was preceded by a parade of the different counties in fancy dress.

Our 2 captains – Lacey & Matthew – paraded our flag along the poolside accompanied by cheering from our team in the stands opposite.

The racing started and our 2 captains led from the front by competing in the first two events and both achieving personal best times.  This set the tone for the whole of the gala – many personal best times were set by the swimmers – in total 25 personal best times were set. They also achieved three first places.

Well done to the whole team for their achievements and the great camerardie between all the swimmers and thanks to Glenn, Lynn, Louis and Harry for their work with the team.

Devon County ASA Talent Camp

Devon County ASA are currently looking for Skills Coaches & Team managers for the County Talent Camp.

This is an opportunity to work under the experienced County Lead Coach to improve your knowledge and skills associated with working with younger swimmers.  It will also be a great addition to your CV.

There is additional information,  in the attached document, together with the Expression of Interest form.

Closing date for all forms is Wednesday 30th October to Glenn at



FINA Rules update 2023 to 2025

World Aquatics Rules UPDATE 2023 – 2025.

The new rules come into force in England on March 10th 2023.

All are urged to sign up to the first session you can attend so all our Southwest Officials are up to date with the new rules as quickly as possible by/after the implementation date.

Go to Swim-Meet 

and choose FINA RULES update 2023-25 and select your preferred date.

Once signed up you will be sent the appropriate ZOOM sign in link.  Please try and attend a session as soon as you can.

PLEASE NOTE even if you have renewed your licence in 2022 or the first weeks of 2023 you should still attend the compulsory FINA RULES 2023-25 update as soon as possible.   All licensed officials have a duty to be up to date. All trainee officials should be aware of the current swimming rules.  Your attendance at the official CPD delivered by ZOOM will be registered with Swim England and your County Coordinators will have registers of all those who have attended to refer to when Licence Applications are completed.

As soon as is practical, all licensed officials and all J1 trainees progressing through their practical phase will receive an up to date set of World Aquatics rules. Remember this booklet does not highlight the changes.   Attendance at the Update CPD is where the changes and standard rules interpretation “aide memoire” are explained.